Ready to play some games? Here's our top picks

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With different genres of games and books for all ages.

We help kids gain confidence with words and sounds.

Easy to digest words

Each game has easy to read and spell words that aims to challenge your little one.

Fun Visuals

All our games have fun hand drawn graphics from artists all around the world.

Rewards for playing

We’re constantly working on our rewards ranging from stickers to books.

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Fun ways to learn words

With our games the words are displayed along side the pictures and by using their finger your child can learn how to write out the words they see!

Learning tools

We’re currently working on adding a dictionary and thesaurus so you can learn what some words mean and how to use them in sentences.

Fun rewards for playing

Each game gives out rewards in the form of points, these points can be exchanged for stickers or books. More rewards will be added when available.

Cute animated graphics

We work with artists from across the world to bring fun graphics which will make the games more interesting and engaging.